Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sekirei c177 released

Decision of Sahahi Minato continues the Kamikura Island battle.  The Ashikabi have been terminated?  The Sekirei have a single hope to survive... An old friend reappears to help Minato...

Grab it in irc on or read it on (shortly)

Grab it on irc with !sekirei177

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dream Hunter Rem alternative c6 released

"The Perplexity of Officer Mukozono".  Rem and group begin the next stage.  Only, Officer Mukozono is perplexed at his new assignment... Dream Hunter Rem Alternative continues with this chapter 6.

Check it out on or download it at using !dhunter6.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Liar's Paradox c64 released.

Youkadou, Ookuwa, and Seiyuu continue their struggles in c64

Grab it on irc, with trigger !usopara64 or read it online at MSD's online reader.

Drop in and say thanks in one of the following irc channels #MSD, #PocketLoli, #LetItGo.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Freezing Zero c34 is released.

The Warriors of Valhalla IV, The conclusion as Gengo gathers and puts his Warriors of Valhalla to the test.  Are they up for the job?  Freezing Zero c34 is released.

Grab it in irc on or read it on (shortly) with trigger !fzz34

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

Note:  There was a small issue with the release this week.  One of the pages seemed to be partly corrupted.  I've fixed it, and any downloads after 12:01 am on Sunday March 20th 2016 can be considered good.  The single page had some issues that may or may not carry over to your system/viewer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Liar's Paradox - Usotsuki Paradox

Youkadou, a young man working at a certain office is in love with Seiyuu, an extremely beautiful coworker of his. She is in a long distance relationship with her boyfriend, but she agrees to go out with him with one condition: they'll never have sex.

We have picked up Liar's Paradox as a joint project with Norway Scan, with the help of Mangaichi Scanlation Division for hosting on its online reader.

FTH Scan's former archive is now on the irc bot, and can be found with !usopara##.  From Volume 1 right up to the current english scanlations.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Freezing Zero c33 released

The Warriors of Valhalla III, Having arrived in Germany, Gengo continues gathering Project Valkyrie. Su-Na is shocked to learn...  Freezing Zero c33 is released.

Grab it in irc on or read it on (shortly) with trigger !fzz33

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Unbreakable Machine Doll c50 Released

Today we release Unbreakable Machine Doll 50.  Yes, its another short chapter.

Grab it in irc on (with trigger !umd50) or read it on (shortly)

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

The Chapters ARE being released by Comic-Alive in this number of page length.  Unfortunately we have no control over this matter.