Sunday, January 22, 2017

Domestic na Kanojo on the bot.

Domestic na Kanojo.

While this is a NORWAY SCAN project, and not a joint, I (Godric) do some work on it, and as a result Volandum has indicated permission to put it on the bot.  I'm slowly uploading them so they should be available in the next week.

Please note, that Cafe con Levin has done a handful of these chapters and they are not available to us to host

Grab them on irc from #PocketLoli or with !domex[Insert chapter] or read it on

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.


  1. Is there a way to download the missing chapters that were scanned by Cafe con Lenin? Do you know if there is another bot out there that has them? Thanks for uploading what you have though.

    1. Unfortunately, Cafe con doesn't like 'sharing files'. Which I guess is understandable to some extent.

      I've spoken to Volly, and he's on board with re-doing some of the chapters that are missing. It'll just take some time.

      After all, the series is already 20+ chapters behind... Focus must be on catching that up.

    2. Ok, no worries if you can't redo the other chapters. I agree that doing chapters that haven't been done before is more important, too. Thanks for all the hard work!

  2. Hey I was looking around and wondering what the status on this project is? Looking forward to reading the rest I was wondering if they had any plans on catching it up soon?

  3. waiting for the update. How many days or months it take for the new chapter?
