Thursday, April 6, 2017

Break Blade c87 released.

Suspicious Behaviour (2).  Rygart battles General Hekera and his elite troups...    Break Blade continues in c87.

Grab it in irc on with trigger !bb87 or read it on (shortly)

Drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

Honestly, I have no idea if we will keep with this series, as long as the translator sends the work to us. We will however need a proofreader dedicated to the continuity of the series.

Note:  VisTrans, the previous scanlator has opted to pick this series back up.  We will drop it for the time being and watch it in case they need to drop it once again.  They've also stated we could host the files on our bot, so you could expect those any day.

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