Sunday, July 21, 2024

State of Scanlation 2024

Well, we've reached our 9th anniversary.

It's hard to believe we've been working at this for 9 years.  Nearing 900 releases, I personally wonder if we can hit the big THOUSAND.

Unfortunately life hasn't been WITH ME in my attempts to push out chapters.  I DO however have good news with the disappointing.  I plan to keep going as long as life lets me.

For those not in the know, part of my slowing down has been related to HEALTH concerns.  My wife has recently had a number of setbacks, she's a Leukemia Survivor (14 years, or just about) a diabetic, AND recently has started Dialysis due to the chemo treatments and meds they've had her on over the last decade. We wont even touch on the regular Parenthesis that she has to schedule. (at least 2 a month, sometimes 3 to have 8+ liters drained).

Even with all that going on, I've been busy outside of assisting my wife, so I've tried hard to work at least a little at some of the waiting chapters.  Most of which have finally been QC'd and redrawn to the point where I'm happy with them.  Expect them hopefully over the next week.

Recruitment & Staff: We DO still need volunteers.  We need essentially all positions, especially translators, proofreaders/quality checkers AND redrawers.  These are key to continue and even build our pace up once again.  Experience is helpful, but some things we HELP you along with. More information on the recruitment pages.

Questions? Comments? Volunteering? Drop into our discord and strike up a chat.

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